Annwn Newsflash # 5 - 6th September 1998

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Now that the dust has settled just a little from the Clinton Circus, this newsflash could well be called the newsflash of headlines:

How to Lie when a President claims he will tell the Truth.
American voters and non-voters played for suckers.
A Clayton confession by a US President.
Lawyers confirm status as the most degenerate species.
Confirmation of Maximal Hypocrisy in Humanity.
World's most powerful man reveals condemnable basis of species.
Decision to erase Humanity vindicated.
Archons declare their hand and judgement of them made easy.

And thus I could go on and on.

Although this scenario of Clinton being caught lying, cheating, manipulating the facts, fornicating, being unfaithful, etc., etc., could superficially be dismissed as one man's lust and his personal, private affairs, it is really much more than that, and this situation has many lessons for metaphysical thinkers. I have explained in depth in my writings in books, newsletters and other publications.

Let me dismiss Lust, even though it is one of the deadly sins, in order to destroy any argument attempted by those who say this is simply one man's personal pursuit of a good time. And as we dismiss it, let us bear in mind there has been a well-established pattern, at least from the evidence provided by the media, to my satisfaction, that Clinton is a man who uses people, especially women for sexual gratification. At that level of operation, it is rape, or at the very least, gross intimidation.

But I am going to expand on this to show the evil basis of the system and humanity and show, once again, why the fraudulent consciousness within most of humanity is condemned for total destruction.

Clinton has made it all so much easier for us to see this, that he has inadvertently allowed awareness of corruption to expand in a way that even the O.J. Simpson fiasco did not.

For his Lawyers/Liars (is there any difference?) to spend so many months, so much money and energy trying to figure a way out of telling the truth in order to minimize damage says more than whatever came out of Clinton's mouth eventually. Who are they trying to fool? Who is fooled? Certainly not anyone who is conscious is fooled. To then elect a Chief Liar to tell us all President Clinton will tell the whole truth when you know they have been fudging the truth for months and months and have employed every means of deception to obfuscate the truth just hold us in contempt and calls us, quite clearly and unambiguously, gullible fools. But are all of the public like that? I think not. This case has shown the evil, mendacious, malicious nature of lawyers that they too have lost all credibility in the eyes of any who had a degree of such credibility left.

Al Gore, forced into a corner, spoke of the courage of Bill Clinton to come out with the truth. The fact that he did not makes Gore just as much a deceiver and liar. To say as he did that he was proud of what Clinton did, marks him of the same camp, the same ilk, and therefore he is a similar lying, deceiving con-man. What a choice for Vice President. Who else would Bill Clinton pick - an honest man? Of course all of you would be justified in claiming the phrase "honest politician" just like "honest lawyer" is an oxymoron and I would readily agree!

In Bill Clinton's promise to tell all and then angrily attacking the prosecutor for being caught out and held accountable for his actions tells us more about Clinton than Starr ever could. It tells how Clinton thinks, how he is a manipulator of facts, truth, and a creator of distortion, subterfuge and dishonest government. That is the basis of a Humanity Clinton wants to be believed on. On the foundation of such a basis is seen the validity for condemning it and destroying totally, for it is a self-destructive abomination!

If you have understood what I have explained previously and understood truthfully what is going on in this planet, you certainly did not need me to tell you that.


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