Annwn Newsflash # 3 - 9th August 1998

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

The President, the Nation and Karma

In the second week of August, Monica Lewinsky began giving testimony against President Bill Clinton. The points important for students of metaphysics are these:

* Clinton, like the creep that he is - he has been described as that by Lewinsky herself - has used all means of obstruction available through his impressive and very forceful White House machinery to prevent giving testimony, even though he has repeatedly claimed he is innocent and wants to tell all to all the people.

* The evil White House machine is in full mode to destroy Lewinsky and save his neck - and all the jobs of those involved.

* By artificially inflating the economic performance, people's simple, greedy and rapacious minds have been kept focused on their bankbooks, not on Clinton's lies, deception and immorality.

* The fact that so many (65%+) can accept him as a "good guy" whose private morals are not of concern speaks volumes for the ontology of the consciousnesses making up these 65% + ; - they are just as unprincipled and evil.

* The fact that Clinton would use Lewinsky, as he obviously has done many other women, and then, as the most powerful man in the "free" world, set about to destroy her, and them, says a lot about such a "free world".

* The self-effacing twit Hillary Clinton who has now disappeared from sight, speaks volumes for her stupidity which was there all the time. She too is now exposed as a fool.

* Ah, yes, the bombing of US sites around the world: These are long overdue, for evil karma is part of the evil system and the US, just like the evil Zionists, must now, at the Endtime, pay its dues. There is no way these can escape. The climatic changes we see in the US are a small aspect of this. Expect more, much, much more!!

* This level of hypocrisy, abuse, deception, lies and bully-boy tactics are once and for all being exposed. Many are the stories that murders have been committed to protect Clinton's interests. Vincent Foster's and others spring immediately to mind. But, it does not matter how Clinton escapes on this level, he is finished spiritually as I have stated before.

* However, this level of evil is a very strong indication of what the nation has done in the past and what it will now suffer for what it has sown!

* This is the same sort of duplicity and evil which saw it murder and destroy many countries around the world including Nicaragua, Guatemala, San Salvador, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Libya, etc., directly with brutal force, and others such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, most of Africa, etc., etc., indirectly. Also, it has used its money and power to crush leaders, people and regimes, often when supporting both sides of a nation to self-destruct so it can go in and take control - usually of its resources and wealth - after all it has no interest in the indigenous people's benevolence. Are you starting to see why Saddam Hussein, Libya's Gaddafi and Iran call the US "the Big Satan"?

* That sort of Karma cannot go unpunished. I realize I run the risk of losing a few American acquaintances writing this way, but I am not here to win a popularity race, I am here to tell it as it is.

* I am here to tell you why things are developing as they are, and what is ultimately being done about this despicable situation to end all this evil, all this pain, all the suffering and all the misery.

* If you are evil, you have much to fear. If you are not, you will be elated at the final solution I bring!

* Hence we now see, as the evil system would have it, a revisit by the Fates who spin the web of human circumstances. If one used the web of deceit, one is repaid in deceit. If one used honesty and goodwill, honesty and goodwill will flow.

* But the USA has used evil anywhere and everywhere, and its Zionist leaders, whom I have amply identified in past newsletters, and who control the USA completely, are to blame, even more than sycophantic and very fooled people who support them.

* The last few newsletters have highlighted this, and so have the references I have given to the works of others which I have published in those newsletters, so you know this assertion is not spurious.

* What we now see is the Karmic genii calling to pay back the USA what is owed from its sowing:

i Climatic - geographical terror;
ii Attacks and bombing of American interests everywhere: These will escalate as surely as the sun rises tomorrow. Do not mistakenly take the two bombings in Africa of this week as isolated instances. Even if they are, as many have been in the past, US-CIA initiated actions to blame Iraq, Libya or Iran, and hence start another war, many others will join in to continue the bombings, believe me!
iii Diseases will hit the US population as never before - including Mad Cow Disease, Gulf War Syndrome, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, etc. The list will grow and grow. And when a body is unwell, the mind fragments!
iv Financial collapse will ruin the country faster than people can count their pennies, even though at present it has been artificially maintained to keep the bubble of wealth illusion going for as long as possible, in part to save Clinton, and the whole administration, from their inexorably demise.

I am not stating these things to scare you, I am stating what is to be, and why it is to be. Had any bully such as the US sown more divine qualities, then the result would have been different, but as this is the Empire of Mammon, only evil has been planted, and now, by its own evil means, it is being allowed to self-destruct.

And to this short report I must add the headline of Aug 8: "World Financial Gloom Deepens" in response to Japan's lukewarm attempt to solve its insoluble financial problems. And in that you have verification of what I wrote a few months ago in the essay on "The Terminal Madness of the Endtime".

Finally, ask yourself this: "What sort of a nation - the USA - do we have, when it is run by an obvious liar, cheat, fornicator, pot-smoking (but according to him, non inhaler), draft dodger, and assassinator of any who stood in his way - even many women, including Lewinsky, whom he seduced to gratify his lust".

The answer cannot be at all complimentary!

Your understanding of these metaphysical notions is paramount if you are to remain sane in the little time that is left for this earth. If you do not comprehend, you will be another raging, raving statistic of the doomed masses.


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