Printed and published in Australia, 1998
by J S Chiappalone
Copyright 1998 J S Chiappalone
ISBN: 0 646 30733 9
Sincere seekers of Truth,
wherever in the world they may be,
should know they are the stuff of Tomorrow,
and to them is dedicated this first volume
of Thoughts written Gnostically.
1 True Love
2 Love Created Me
3 A Poem About Love
4 Liberation
5 Eternity
6 Scientific Baloney
7 My Love
8 I Am Not Evil
9 I Am Light
10 Why Was I Created?
11 Poem On Friendship
12 The Seeds Of Destruction
13 The Power
14 Animals
15 Suffering In Animals
16 Transplants And Clones
17 Our Friends The Animals
18 Democracy
19 Being Of Greatness
20 What Is Evil
21 Knowledge
22 Good Intentions
23 Beware Of Impositions
24 The Need For Destruction
25 Of Wills And Cups
26 Love And Sex
27 Cogito Ergo Sum
28 Abused You've Been?
29 Legislating Truth
30 Evil Knows Not Love
31 Oh, How Pretty
32 Realm Of Untruth
33 "God" and Original Sin
34 An End is Nigh?
35 Payment in Kind
36 Pain and Suffering
37 Longevity
38 A View Of Death
39 Can the Masses be taught?
40 Mad Scientists Galore
41 Warriorship Varies
42 Rogue States
43 Phases End
44 Time Of Change
45 Projection
46 Seeing Truly
47 Labels
48 True Love and False
49 Knowing the Self
50 Your Truth
51 Demiurgal Incompetence
52 Look to the Nous
53 Emotional States
54 If
55 Loved Ones
56 Called Crazy
57 Counterfeits' Praise
58 The Daily Battle
59 Of the Mental War
60 Victims Indeed We Were
61 Suffered We Did
62 Suffering will continue
63 Crises
64 Crisis for Evil
65 Judeo-Christianity
66 About the Bible
67 The Light and the Christs
68 True Friends
69 Of Science
70 Of Medicine
71 Humans in the larder
72 Demons in Plastic
73 Easy Does It
74 Pot Pourri
75 Relationships
76 Marriage
77 Lying
78 Surrender
79 The Past
80 The Final Cycle
81 The Earth through Gnostic Eyes
82 Improve Your Well-being
83 Timely Advice
84 Unresolved Anger
85 The Wheel of Justice
I would like to think that readers of these items have had some exposure to my previous books for the concepts I write about are not easy to grasp without some preliminary knowledge of how a Gnostic sees this world. Here in a nutshell is a very, very simple version of what I, and True Gnostics, are on about:
The world and all the physical structures in this dimension, which is one of many, in a universe among many universes, was created by a minor aberrant, rebellious and belligerent subordinate of the Divine Hierarchy. This "builder" of the physical world has been called the demigod, demiurge, Satan, Yaldabaoth, the Evil One, Yahweh, and, in his most recent disguise, Jehovah.
Along with the physical universe, this aberrant being, a minor creator, created false or counterfeit consciousness as distinct from theomorphic consciousness which he entrapped when he built this dimension. His counterfeit creation has both robotic beings and more virulent soulless ones called demons. The True Creation and the Counterfeit creation are mixed together in the physical so that it is virtually impossible to tell who is who. But there are vast essential differences between the two types.
Once this demigod created this dimension, "he" (gender is a limitation of our language) set about exploiting the energy of the trapped True Beings, for that was the only way he could sustain the dimension. He had been cut off by the Hierarchy from the Source of Divine Energy.
Every aspect of existence in all the physical dimension is geared so that the counterfeit beings can extract energy from the trapped True Beings. This explains the abuse, suffering and exploitation of this plane. But it is done in a surreptitiously deceitful way lest the trapped beings awaken and resist their exploitation. Most are drugged by the various programming factors which affect their minds and bodies to be spiritually moribund.
The process which gave rise to the aberrant demigod has been called the Celestial Error. Since the time of emergence of an Evil Mind from this Error, and its refusal to obey Divine Laws, a War of Essences has been waged. The Divine Hierarchy attempted to correct the error as the inimical demigod resisted correction. Because the actions of the demigod and all his mechanisms, and creations, including the robots and demons, act against the Divine, and its Laws, they have been labelled EVIL. Their actions result in spiritual assassination of the trapped True Beings.
Since time immemorial, Avatars have come into this dimension, sometimes openly, such as Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Elijah, Jesus, Manichaeus, Mohammed, etc., and sometimes incognito, to assist the trapped True Beings, bringing them sustaining energy, awakening them to what has happened and warning them to remain faithful to the Light, for Correction would come eventually. Many heeded the advice, others did not.
A Plan of Correction for the whole of the Celestial Error, and all the problems it created, was implemented and we, on this Earth, at this time, have reached the Final Generation when this planet is to be demolished. A sorting out of beings will occur with the faithful, viable ones being placed in a New Dimension and the Evil ones going, for a time, to a place of their creation and choosing, called Hell.
As the various partitions which were created by the evil demiurge to separate this dimension from others are removed, awareness of their existence, and evidence from them, are returning to minds trapped on this lowly level. This explains the increased sighting of ghosts and apparitions, Ufos, the visions of those who have Out-of-Body experiences, Near-Death-Experiences, etc.
Ufology plays an important part of the Corrective Process, for the rescuing party will present itself from other dimensions as aliens in spacecraft, and many have already been made aware of this personally, through a number of mechanisms including dreams, astral travel, direct clairvoyance and clairaudience, meetings on spacecraft, etc.
Not all Ufos are of the Light's Rescue Team. In fact, the majority are of Evil which is in all the physical levels and many other dimensions. Hence, many aliens are of the evil ilk, and it is these who are abducting and kidnapping humans, experimenting on animals, mutilating them, breeding them, eating them, and so on.
Many are trying to create hybrids to resist the Corrective Process which affects their dimensions also, and which is causing theirs to collapse as well. All their attempts, however, are futile. There is no stopping the Corrective Process. There is no escape for evil.
This earth has reached its Endtime and physical destruction is imminent. The mechanisms which will clear all off the planet to allow its total physical destruction include various diseases such as AIDS; the Greenhouse Effect and Ozone depletion; Terminal Madness of humans and animals which will cause chaos, wars, suicides, etc.; fatal nuclear, chemical and psychic pollution; superbugs and superweeds; dramatic ecological and geological, as well as biological, changes which will eradicate the proper conditions for "life" on the globe; hence, all will die off.
Already the sterilisation process has begun in earnest: it is estimated human males will be sterile within 50 years; fish are dying; most animal species are in danger as is the flora.
Crops are failing due to excessive ultraviolet radiation, and so are single cell organisms in the sea, and other creatures such as plankton which are the food for larger animals.
What I am attempting to do with these short items and essays in these volumes, as with my poetry and other books, is to awaken further those readers who have initiated the process of awakening within themselves. It would be a miracle if any agreed with what I write 100% of the time; that is not the aim at all. The idea is to give readers some stimulus to think further about the problems confronting all of us and to see why they are there. In that way, preparation for imminent eventualities will decrease suffering and further exploitation of the prepared individual. This will then allow faster integration into the New Dimension when that time arrives.
Unprepared beings will suffer the most and as is obvious to all, regardless of spiritual development, societies everywhere on this doomed globe are disintegrating faster than the events can be reported. That is certainly no coincidence. It is due to the ubiquitous exposure of evil which is endemic in all aspects of existence on the planet, and in the dimension, and due to the removal of previously counterbalancing Divine forces which helped maintain some sort of balance so that the True Beings to be rescued could be sustained before being rescued safely.
I had written elsewhere that by the year 2000 all True Beings will have been evacuated (it is not a physical evacuation, rather it is the consciousness which is rescued) and therefore by that time there is no reason to balance the energies of the planet any longer. What this will mean is that evil will manifest in all its ugliness everywhere, for it is no longer restrained by a modicum of pretence.
Evil beings will manifest their evilness maximally now, and their exposure will be automatic as they pursue a self-destructive course. This is a result of the mental and psychic instability I have termed Terminal Madness of the Endtime and such instability results from the despair and hopelessness they suffer from the subconscious realisation of their impending doom.
These last days will not be a pretty sight. And as the reason for the despair and gloom of doom dawns on their conscious physical minds, they will seek venues of self-destruction for that which they feared the most - accountability and judgement - will be upon them.
There are many phenomena evident in our societies today that can be explained in no other way than in the metaphysical and Gnostic manner I am proposing. This is not a declaration of immodesty, rather it is a truism.
* Animals are behaving erratically for the exact same reasons humans are. Most of them are of an evil consciousness.
* Some one billion humans are alien consciousnesses trapped in human bodies and now as these awaken to the Endtime and their true identity, they are supporting the expanded awareness that accommodates their recalled experiences. This explains the popularity of "science-fiction" in this generation.
* Humanity is being primed for the final curtain by many info-tainment shows such as X-files, Independence Day, and the like.
* The war is raging on many battlefields. It is no coincidence that bacteria are becoming resistant to drugs - it's a sign of the war.
* Superweeds, unprecedented transgenic and multi-species diseases, zoonoses, AIDS, the return of old diseases in more virulent forms, etc., are all indicative of this war.
* The most dramatic occurrence is now the separation of the two creations on all levels of consciousness and the fight between opposites: black against white, young against old; male against female; rich against poor; educated against uneducated; strong against the weak; and so on.
As a last desperate attempt, the demonic creation, which really runs the whole show on this level, is attempting every measure possible to extract as much energy as possible from whatever the source and maintain itself.
This explains the perverse cruelty we see manifesting about us. Pornography, sexual perversion, prisons and jails, unjust legal decisions, massacres called just wars (like the Gulf War against Iraq) are manifestations of this Terminal Madness.
Just watch, the archons who are the evil powers-that-be will find umpteen excuses to increase suffering in the world, and, on the individual level, evil ones will be more evil than ever in their search for energy. Even bestiality will be seen openly everywhere, for the demons will no longer pretend about anything.
So, what is it that I intend accomplishing with these volumes of Gnostic thoughts? By focusing on various aspects of this ridiculous existence on this plane, I hope to awaken readers sufficiently so that their preparation for the eventualities will be as complete as possible.
Often one insight will lead to another and then a pattern of understanding can emerge in one's mind to lessen the pain, misery and suffering. Without understanding of what is going on, I can tell you from my experience, and that of others I have encountered, that the mental pain of this crumbling world is far worse than physical pain.
There are no analgesics for psychic and mental madness. That is why so many doomed ones are eventually going to suicide and, as they plan this, they will lash out indiscriminately and take as many with them as they can. Can you not just see the scenario of destruction created by those affected who are in control of arsenals and nuclear weapons?
The war is everywhere, but the last frontier will be the MIND. Fear needs to be conquered; fear of what is going on; fear of accountability and judgement; fear of death; fear of the future; fear of what the inexorable growth of evil in the world will produce. Without adequate preparation, fuller understanding and detachment, one will be no match for the malicious forces unleashed on this plane. Massive clearing mechanisms with massive loss of physical life can no longer be seen as emotionally distressing tragedies.
They must be seen as mechanisms of clearing, allowed to be brought on by rampant evil which is being allowed its head in a self-destructive mode.
No one has wished such an ending, certainly no True Being with any spark of "God" left within it. Only evil beings seek exploitation and destruction, for that is their nature.
Well, now they have all the destruction they want, but it only hurts them as they bring it onto themselves, for the True Beings will have been removed from their midst.
And as all these things happen, you will not have time to even contemplate the evil mendaciousness of science or religion which have tried to block the sight of truth. The relevance of their lies will dissolve in the midst of the decaying minds of scientists and the clergy.
Were they not the archons who fed us falsehood about the nature of the universe and the nature of god? Generally, science insisted all existence was physical, while some religions asked us to honour Jehovah as the True "God" ; other religious philosophies tried to convince us that this earth is part of god and evil is man's self-created nonsense. Some went further, of course, and tried to get us to embrace a pantheistic view so that all would be blurred just as the New Agers try to do, calling themselves "God" and denying evil even exists.
Alas, Confusion reigns supreme. Confusion is paramount in those whose minds affected deleteriously by the prevailing evil wind of the times. As you read on and think, see the relevance of these items to you, and create a strong, resolute will, so that your own truth will flow from the Light within you, outward, and you will not be affected by the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination engulfing the whole, damning, doomed world.
As well as new material, various essays and snippets, even poems, which I had published previously in books, pamphlets and newsletters, have been randomly included in these volumes.
So many readers also expressed the desire to have the many articles I had written for the newsletters provided in a more permanent book that I have included in these volumes, as many as possible, of those articles which I thought relevant.