A Collection of My Verses and Poems
based on Gnostic thoughts

Volume Two

Dr. J.S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Printed and published 1997


Dr J S Chiappalone

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   1997 Dr J S Chiappalone

ISBN 0-9587319-1-8


96       Untruth of History

119     Gravity


If you survived in reasonable shape

my Poetry Book Volume One

Perhaps a part of your Personal War

you may have won.

Who better then, than you,

to whom I should dedicate this,

my Poetry Book Volume Two?

Untruth of History

This is a World of opposites and hypocrisy,

Of this you'll be convinced,

if you read this poem open-mindedly.

Whatever is written throughout history

is often the opposite of Truth as you will see.

There are many, many examples to choose from,

here are just a randomly selected few for thee.

Nero, a madman was supposed to be,

But what is writ of him is distorted,

abusing stuff emanating from the Catholic Church,

Indeed, Truth's greatest enemy.

In the same vein, the Persian Prophet,

Manichaeus, labelled evil

by Church Fathers was he,

When, in fact, it was they who were the demons,

and this, if you read my book

"Death of an Evil God",

you will clearly see.

Manichaeus was Jesus reincarnated, and this fact

is very clear to one who can see mystically.

If you believe the other things I have written,

then to this revealed fact also,

you ought to lend credibility.

Alexander the Great, also called

by many a megalomaniac, maliciously,

Was none other than a Great, Divine

Being of Light's pedigree.


King Arthur, "Rex quondam, Rex Futurus",

the subject of Britain's greatest mythology,

Is treated with derision by many who boastfully,

but in ignorance claim they are serious

about their history.

But Arthur too was real, of Consciousness Divine,

and of great chivalry, not a cuckold fool

to be treated disparagingly.

Gwenevere, sweet Gwenevere,

his ever-suffering, faithful Queen,

a True Goddess,

evil men lustfully see,

simply as part of a lover's tryst,

caught in Camelot's

painfully tragic, passing destiny.

But, if truth be known,

that also was not the case at all,

and if you read our book

"The Revenge of Camelot",

this you will learn verily!

Plato, of Gnostic thought, no doubt,

respected and in all the world renowned,

wrote metaphysically, so thoughts of just men

could be heaven bound.

Along came Aristotle, the demon in disguise,

and from Plato's works removed, with

spurious explanations, the Gnostic thoughts,

leaving nonsense before our very eyes,

casting knowledge into a tomb of falsehood.

Thus did it take two thousand years

to correct his errors, as indeed we should.

Augustine of Hippo, over whom many

so-called Christians fawn,

Was a lustful demon, and many purposeful

gross untruths did he spawn.

As a fornicating, plagiarizing

liar and deceiver

He was the perfect candidate for highest

so-called Christian honours

of which to be receiver.

Unashamedly, he stole and twisted

all the knowledge of

the classic world, of old.

He is no saint, as I have often said,

he is a demon, mendaciously bold,

Bold, not because of any courage,

for all demons are cowards to the quick,

but because he had the whole Evil Empire,

against Truth, to help him deceive,

and his hand to hold.

Look at what the hypocrites have done

with Jesus in the bible,

Erasing His Truth and substituting what I

call nonsense and vilifying libel.

The archons distort everything, it's true,

Till a true seeker has simply

no idea of who is who.

I too, carry the torch of

revealing Light and Truth.

And that is so, whether you

want to believe or not,

But demons fall over themselves

to call me evil,

when I am the exact opposite in sooth!

The politicians' favoured

"Read my lips" means

"I am deceiving you, suckers";

It's true!

And "Honest John", as a label, says

"John is anything but honest,

and says things that are untrue!".

What are we to learn from all this,

from false, ignorant,

purposely deceitful history?

We learn that Truth is

the opposite, almost always,

of what it is presented to be.

Evil men falsely mouth words of peace

while they plan war hypocritically,

Evil partners say "I love you" deceitfully,

as they ply their treason unfaithfully.

Priests vaunt their celibacy

while molesting altar boys

and young girls in the sacristy.

Politicians exclaim "Thank you for electing me.

I'll serve you well, and fairly!"

Then, like pigs in a fast feeding frenzy,

they plunder everything

they can from the treasury.

Rorting is their business,

and pastime hobby,

at every opportunity!

Zionists, ontological and/or Hebraic, control

every aspect of the planet financially,

For they are Jehovah's elect

to fill this occupation,

in his proclaimed way, religiously.

Yet when exposed and highlighted as such

instruments of the Mollock's devilry,

They protest and in defence say

"It cannot be!"

They then play the card

of the spurious label,

calling revealing Truth

anti-semite bigotry!

I could go on to fill this whole book

with examples, believe me.

But, you get the point, if you want to.

As fools are always want to do,

Men of Darkness judge in Ignorance.

How can they then give True Men of history,

and their events, valid significance?

This mad, bad world is of Evil essence,

of Ignorance, of destructiveness and hypocrisy.

Why have I even bothered to highlight

these points to thee?

So you can see that the destruction of this

system on Earth, now imminent,

is an undisputable necessity,

If any who wish to do so, are to live in Love,

Light, Truth, Peace and spiritual Liberty,

In a specially prepared place,

not just free of hypocrites,

but also totally Evil-free.

Finally, I need to ask

"What better news could you

possibly want from me?"

This IS the greatest, best event,

in all of Humankind's history.

If terror is released by these words in thee,

then, of Truth, a recognizer you may not be.

Shake off all evil programming, pollution

and indoctrination and grasp this

revealed information with glee.

Only in that way can you be,

part of the future's revelry!


One day, in lucid moments, I tried to think what item

in my life was of the greatest mockery,

When in deepest thought I realized

it was none other than Gravity.

This cunning trickster spreads its effects

ubiquitously and, sight unseen, laughs all day long,

and night time too, at you and me.

Colluding with its brother Time,

and its sister Denaturing Physicality,

it plays tricks on all of us as you'll soon see.

From earliest days in infancy, it exerts its power

on any baby who tries to buck it

and stand up against it defiantly.

Each soon learns to respect Gravity as repeatedly it

falls flat on its face dejectedly.

If inattentive a growing youngster or a teenager be,

Gravity it is which helps trip it up

and make it sprawl unceremoniously.

As time passes, those, especially females, who pride

themselves fawningly, physically,

need more and more bolstering and padding

to support parts and appendages against

the relentless ravages of Gravity

which pulls them ever downward uncaringly.

And older ones in autumn years are made

to pay homage to it bowingly,

as spines curve and muscles weaken in the fight

and against the pull of Terra Firma and its hidden,

but not all that nice, Gravity.

All these things are due to none other than the

mockery of our biggest mocker. Surely this you see?

And if from it you try to flee, by climbing

a mountain or flying off in a hot air balloon

or a jet plane, it will force you one way

or other to return to ground repeatedly.

Against this mocking foe one just cannot

ever, ever win, and this fact

is abundantly clear to me.

Alas, the worstest worst humiliation,

and in this I think you will agree,

is when, thinking I am trim and taut,

I pop up on the scales, like you often do,

no doubt, there in all enraging circumstance,

behind the spinning dial, it maximally teases me.

Once I asked the scales to lie, but they said Gravity

had so much control it could make them rust and die.

I said "How could it do that to you?"

The scales said "It could, with water vapour,

by calling down a heavy dew."

But, not wanting to get involved in a racism debate

with my bathroom scales, of all things, I let that

remark pass through.

How cruel you are, Gravity! How insensitive you be.

If I could, I'd rather live

completely in a world without thee!

Then happily buoyed, I would not trip and fall out of

a tree if there I wanted to be. Like Peter Pan I'd fly

here and there and everywhere like a bee.

We could all fly first class by ourselves

free, here and there,

You could even be like Mary Poppins

if you dare.

And with the money saved on plane fare,

one could buy a plot of land on Mars,

Ganymede, or Io, or anywhere.

Any of us then, without Gravity, could sit in midair,

instead of being restricted to a chair.

Why we could even perform chores like potato peeling,

if we really wanted to, right there on the ceiling.

School children's long socks would

then never be down,

And a smile would never be perversely

pulled down by Gravity to form a frown.

Boy what fun then even for a clown,

who would always fall up and never down!

So you see, it's ungratefully serious Gravity

which reduces levity. Why it even causes poverty!

Without it, wallets would never out of pockets fall,

And stockmarkets, unable to ever fall, would allow untold

riches for one and all.

From such points you surely see why Gravity

is a mocker and the cause of all our misery.

Why one without it would never ever

even spill a cup of tea!

And when never being able to fall asleep,

you could stay up every night

till well past half past three.

However, what I think is best of all,

you could have all the Pride you'd want

without having to confront

the danger of a fall!

My, O my, O Gravity,

Why can you not just go away and let us be?

For there is much more to consider actively.

Wars big and small would end, for bombs would not fall,

they would stay in the bellies of the planes,

And without poisonous radioactive fallout,

safer plains would be our gains.

Come to think of it, we would all be Great Saints

throughout Creation,

For without, Gravity we could not

fall into temptation!

We could even go back to the time before

the advent of Satan, if we had the gall,

And see to it that, without Gravity,

there would be no Great Fall.

I know that at this stage you probably

think I've lost the plot,

But think really of all the fun in thoughts

without Gravity we have got.

No one would ever fall down dead,

One could never trip and break their head.

Without Gravity, taps would never drip,

There would be no slip twixt cup and lip,

And we would be ever cleaner still,

For food down our shirt fronts would not spill.

University students especially would be pleased indeed,

For to physics and tricky-nometry, and all that stuff,

they would have to pay less heed.

Thinner science books we'd need,

And with less paper for them needed,

with more trees left

to live, a better air we'd breathe.

This then would indeed be the Best of All Possible

World's as Leibnitz had said.

If only evil Gravity and its frustrating effects

we could readily, genuinely shed!

All my life then I'd stand up straight and move with

springing step ever gingerly, eternally youthfully.

O what a wonderful world it would then be.

No plane from the sky would fall,

we would all stand tall.

O Mr Isaac Newton, Sir, why could you not let things,

as they were, be? Why did you have to make your

discovery under that apple tree instead?

It seems to me that if you had gone fishing, then

without the Gravity you discovered, no one would ever

fall out of their bed.

Because you found it and exposed its nature, now we

have to live begrudgingly with that greedy Gravity

which pulls all things so relentlessly

to itself ever so selfishly.

Who needs Gravity to make fruit fall out of its tree?

I, for one, would not mind

if I had to climb the odd apple tree.

Life would be so much more fun without Gravity.

Why it would be a lot less grave

and filled with far more hilarity.

By now to you, as it is to me,

it should be clear that Gravity

not only mocks but also burdens us relentlessly.

When bits break off any appliance or vehicle, under

Murphy's Law and roll into places famous for nothing

but their inaccessibility,

Do not think that the culprit causing all that

is any other than the subject of this poem -

the mocker Gravity?

Without said Gravity, hair on heads

would not fall out prematurely.

It would simply sit there even if out of

its roots, would it not?

It is the clown Gravity which makes it

fall out tragically.

Ask the bald guys, they know it wants to reap the lot.

And just in case you are one of the lucky ones and

you keep your hair which then with time turns grey,

Don't you think it goes that way because of the

stressful effects of Gravity you are forced to fight

every single day?


There you have it. I hope I have enlightened

you in some small way.

And if you agree with this, save your money to

purchase an anti-Gravity machine I'll be working on as

soon as I finish with my writing. Hey?

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